
The CTS: a société à mission

On 17 July 2023, the CTS became a société à mission, a company dedicated to achieving certain goals, similar in many ways to B Corp certification. The company’s articles of association – its internal constitution – now include a purpose and five objectives that reflect its social, societal and environmental commitments.

By becoming a société à mission, the CTS is asserting itself as a responsible, committed company with a profound impact on society. Its purpose and objectives are its internal compass. They guide the company’s decisions and actions on a daily basis.

‘Our public service values, our shared ambitions in terms of diversity, workplace well-being, citizenship and environmental impact all feed into our road map. They reaffirm the collective commitments made many years ago in the way we strive to perform our mission to serve the public, day after day. Becoming a société à mission was the obvious way forward.’

Emmanuel Auneau, Chief Executive Officer of CTS

The French government introduced société à mission status in 2019 at the same time as the PACTE (Plan d’action pour la croissance et la transformation des entreprises, Plan of action to transform and grow businesses) law.

Société à mission status is an opportunity for a new type of business – one that is more committed and has a positive impact on society – to stand up and be counted.

Businesses interested in becoming a société à mission must include the following in their articles of association:

> A purpose

> Social and environmental objectives

To ensure the CTS stays on track with its mission, the PACTE law requires dual oversight: from a mission committee and from an independent third-party organisation.

The purpose and the five objectives in the articles of association approved on 4 May 2023 are the fruit of a collaborative approach. Eleven employees with different professions and from different company departments met to propose a draft purpose and objectives. These were then shared with a group of elected representatives from the board of directors, including the Chair, who finalised them. Next, they were presented to the works council before being put to our shareholders.

'Since 1877, the CTS has drawn on its extensive history and relied on support from the men and women who work here. Proud to pursue its mission to serve the public, the CTS is unwavering in its aim to create connections, make it easier for customers to get around on a daily basis, contribute to the architecture of the local area, and tackle social, environmental and economic challenges.'

The CTS is committed to protecting the planet and is developing connections between local areas and helping to reduce the environmental footprint of the metropolitan area through its network’s energy performance, by lowering the carbon intensity of its activities, and by fostering awareness and dedication among its employees.

A few examples:

  • Extending line G
  • Retiring the last diesel buses from the CTS fleet
  • Promoting eco-driving and eco-friendly practices

As a socially responsible business that listens to its customers, the CTS is committed to developing transport solutions adapted to people’s needs and those of the local area. The CTS believes that no member of society should be left behind and makes every effort to ensure that everyone lives together in harmony and respects one another.

A few examples:

  • Introducing the option to top up the Badgéo card via the CTS mobile app
  • Launching the Chron’hop high-capacity, high-speed bus lines
  • Carrying out Tous sur le terrain initiatives to inform local residents about new network developments (roadworks, new lines, etc.)

The CTS is committed to well-being in the workplace. It ensures that staff members are safe and happy throughout their careers. It also encourages social dialogue and the transmission of shared values as a way of inspiring collective mobilisation and ambition.

A few examples:

  • Improving working conditions for drivers
  • Introducing AGORA, a new managerial method
  • Setting up a new programme for the prevention of workplace risks
  • Continuing efforts to expand working from home

As a responsible economic player, the CTS contributes to wider access to employment and makes every effort to help the local economy grow by working with micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

A few examples:

  • Launching a recruitment campaign
  • Developing skills-based sponsorship together with the association KODIKO
  • Introducing a new onboarding process

The CTS invests in technical and social innovation to enhance its performance and develop its expertise in its efforts to improve public transport policy.

A few examples:

  • Installing new ticket machines at the ticket office
  • Upgrading the passenger information system
  • Deploying collaborative work tools and live internal events

The PACTE law requires dual oversight over our commitments – from a mission committee and from an independent third-party organisation. These two monitoring bodies will be set up in late 2023.

The mission committee

The mission committee, approved by the board of directors, is composed of ten members appointed for a three-year term. Its role is to ensure that the company is fulfilling its mission and to challenge our commitments and lines of development.

The board of directors can ask the mission committee to issue observations or provide an informed opinion on a specific subject.

Each year, the mission committee writes a report to be presented at the annual general meeting, called to approve the company accounts.

Committee members

• A CTS employee

• A representative of the association ASTUS

• A representative of APF-France handicap

• A representative from the student community

• A citizen-member of the Eurométropole de Strasbourg development council

• A German user of the metropolitan area’s public transport

• A representative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry

• A representative of Strasbourg Business School

• A representative of the Agence d’urbanisme de Strasbourg – Rhin supérieur (an urban development agency)

• A representative of the Eurométropole de Strasbourg Agence du climat (a climate agency)

The independent third-party organisation

This organisation, completely external to the company, will be appointed by the board of directors. Its role will be to check that we are meeting the objectives in our articles of association and produce a report in the form of a substantiated recommendation every two years (the first one after 18 months).