
Combine other transportation modes on top of the bus and tram network.

Bike, Vélhop, car sharing, inter-urban buses, regional trains: endless combinations that suit your needs!

With the Véloparcs, clerverly combine bike, bus and tram to become eco-mobile!


Bike & Tram, is a clever combinaition to get to a station by bike directly from your home, park your bike there and ride the Tram towards your destination. On your way back, your bike will be waiting for you to ride home.  


The Véloparcs are free for the owners of a BADGEO card, which allows you to open the entrance gate 24/7.



In order to have access to the Rotonde Véloparc, you will need a special bike fare. This fare is free of charges and can be redeemed at the CTS Store


Currently there are 17 Véloparcs, accessible 24/7:

  • Jean Jaurès (tram C, D and bus 31)
  • Schluthfeld (tram A and E)
  • Kibitzenau (tram C and bus C8, 31)
  • Krimmeri Stade de la Meinau (tram A and E)
  • Campus d'Illkirch (tram A, E  - bus 63, 64, 260, 270)
  • Illkirch Lixenbuhl (tram A)
  • Parc des Sports (tram A and bus 70)
  • Plobsheim Mairie (bus 67, 260 and 270)
  • Rives de l'Aar (tram B - bus 60)
  • Boecklin (tram E - bus C6, 15, 30 and 72)
  • Rotonde (tram A and D - bus 17, 18, 19, 203, 210) Caution: special bike fare needed for this Véloparc
  • Baggersee (tram A and E - bus C7, 31, 57, 67, 260, 270)
  • Montagne Verte (tram B, bus C1, 2 and 50)
  • Reichstett - behind the Eglise protestante (bus 74 and 76 stop "Hay Ecomusée")
  • Espace Européen de l'Entreprise (bus G, 60 and 75)
  • Poteries (tram D - bus 4, 41 and 70)
  • Hoenheim Gare (tram B - bus C3, C9, 74, 201)





Pioneer in the field of sustainable mobility and soft traveling, the Communauté urbaine de Strasbourg offers a bike rental service for everyone.

Vélhop, the bike sharing service

Practical, environment friendly and economical, Vélhop perfectly suits your travel needs in the greater Strasbourg area with its 500 kilometers long bike path network.
Vélhop, is also a relable, safe and well maintained bike.


Where to find Vélhop?   

  • In our stores, benefit from personnal advices
  • On our atomated stations, by renting a bike 24/7


Vélhop, many options to suit everyone's needs

With a subscription plan, your bike will be regularly maintained in one of our stores. Equipment such as a padlock and a basket will also be available for you.


Under 26 or CTS subscriber? Benefit from discount rates!


Find out more : Vélhop website.


Knot avec fond

On the territory of the Eurometropole of Strasbourg, a network of electric scooters is developed by PARCUS, in partnership with KNOT.


Since November 2021, the CTS has joined the Parcus network and is participating in mobility by installing 5 stations :




In service :

  • Véloparc Rives de l'Aar
  • Véloparc Campus d'Illkirch
  • P+R Hoenheim Gare
  • P+R Espace européen de l'entreprise
  • Gare aux Marchandises


Find out in real time the availability of scooters in all the stations in the area and the prices HERE.


How does it work ?

  • Download the application HERE
  • Create your account
  • Find a KNOT station nearby HERE
  • Unlock your scooter
  • Ride, respecting the safety rules
  • Return the scooter to one of the available stations to end the rental


For safety reasons, you must be at least 18 years old to drive the electric scooters.


As a reminder :

  • On buses, only folded scooters are allowed.
  • On trams, folded scooters are allowed on all days and at all times, as long as they do not take up more space than a suitcase.
  • In trams, unfolded scooters are not allowed from Monday to Saturday from 7am to 9am and from 5pm to 7pm. If traffic permits, they are allowed on board outside these times, as well as on Sundays and public holidays. Access to the train is limited to a maximum of 2 bicycles or scooters per train (except on Sundays and french public holidays, subject to available space) and is only possible through the last door of the train.


A question ? Visit the Knot website or contact them by email or by phone +33 7 83 83 96 21.




Make city life easier is the choice Strasbourg's car sharing service users have made. CTS and Citiz made it easy to double up the benefits of using public transportation and  of driving a car, without actually owning one!


Owning its one car involves more and more drawbacks:

  • owning a car stands for the second biggest budget of a household. For example, a recent car model driving 10 000 km per year costs an average of 400 euros per month. 
  • parking uses lots of spaces, knowing that a car is parked 95% of the time.
  • owning a car is time-consuming: taking care of documents, insurance, maintenance, parking, washing, etc.


These observations lead to the creation of a car sharing service in Strasbourg, offered by Citiz.

Car sharing consists of offering cars accessible per sel-service 24/7 for a limited period of time, successively to different users. With a monthly subscription, users can place a reservation on a car of their choice per phone or internet. The Citiz cars are located in Citiz stations, on dedicated parking spots downtown or in the outskirts of Strasbourg. Every car use will be charged on the following month, depending on the rental time and the mileage.  


Citiz stations close to the Bus and Tram network

Most Citiz stations are located near a Tram station, a Bus stop or a Véloparc.

Following Citiz stations are located within a Park & Ride parking:

  • P+R Rives de l'Aar, line B: 3 Citiz cars since 2002
  • P+R Rotonde, lines A and D: 3 Citiz cars since 2004
  • P+R Boecklin, line E: 1 car since 2007


Combined Citiz + CTS subscription

For the ones who decided to give up on owning their own car, isn't it logical to use the Bus and Tram network everyday and occasionnaly an Citiz car to run errands, go to a professional meeting or to have a day out on the countryside?

To give you the freedom to come and go as you please, the CTS and Citiz have created a special annual subscription that combines both services. This subscription gives you a reduced rate as well as 2 months free over the year (3 months for students).


The CTS+Citiz subscription is only available from Citiz.


Find out more :

Go directly to the Citiz/Auto'trement website:


In Strasbourg, the train and the bus and tram play a complementary role. Discover the numerous combined fare options, as well as the project that are gonna help you around the city in the next couple years.



CTS or SNCF users, have you heard about our combined subscriptions?


2 subscriptions :

Weekly, mounthly or yearly subscriptions  :  PRIMO (under 26)  / PRESTO (over 26)

You can directly buy your subscription at the SNCF and load it on your ALSEO Card. The subscription allows you to use the CTS bus and tram network and the SNCF itinary you selected, for an unlimited numbers of rides.
The subscription costs depend on the SNCF travelling distance.



To find out more:

Visit the TER Alsace website: click here.