Dogs welcome on the tram!
Since 1 July 2023, dogs kept on a lead and muzzled are allowed on the tram!
The aim of this measure is to make it easier for dog owners to get around and to make the city accessible to as many people as possible.
To ensure that all customers can travel well together, owners and their dogs must comply with the following instructions:
I must have a leash and a muzzle.
If I am small enough, I can travel in a closed basket.
Guide dogs for the blind or other disabled passengers are
exempt from wearing the muzzle.
If I am a dog classied as “dangerous”,
I cannot get in the tram (art. L211-16 of the rural code).
My owner must make sure that I stay clean,
and clean up if I make a mess in the tram or at the station.
Under the authority of my owner, I stay away from the other
travelers and dogs.
I do not climb on the chairs.
If we notice that we are an inconvenience,
we switch places.
If needed, my owner must show my offcial
documents,such as my vaccination card.
I do not know you, thank you for not
touching me or petting me.
These instructions have been drawn up with the advice of a behaviourist vet.
He particularly recommends the use of a Baskerville muzzle, which is more comfortable and ergonomic for our canine friends.
Amount of the fine in case of non-compliance: 150€