Everybody has the right to travel safely and comfortably on Strasbourg’s public transport system, so there are a number of rules in place to help us all ride together in accordance with the Transport Police Regulations. (The full set of regulations is available. Please write to: CTS Service Clientèle, 14 rue de la gare aux marchandises 67035 Strasbourg Cedex).
The CTS has made the fight against fare-dodging and uncivil behaviour on public transport a top priority.
Every day, CTS inspectors, operators and security teams work to ensure that everyone abides by the rules, ensuring a safe and comfortable journey for all.
These rules apply on board vehicles running within the boundaries of the Eurométropole de Strasbourg. From Kehl onwards, the TGO rules apply.
All travellers above the age of four must have a valid ticket or pass.
The ticket or pass must be validated before each use of the transport service and each time you board in a vehicle, including when transferring
For bus journeys, please validate your ticket or pass inside the vehicle using one of the terminals.
For trams and bus journeys on lines G and H, please validate your ticket or pass using the terminal at the stop, before entering the vehicle.
All passengers are invited to give up their seat to passengers with a card marked "station debout pénible" (unable to stand), elderly passengers, pregnant mothers and people accompanied by children under the age of 4.
Strollers must be parked in the area set aside for wheelchairs (which have priority) when it is free.
The driver may refuse access to strollers if he considers it will inconvenience other passengers or cause a risk of accident.
Animals are banned from buses and tram except for small pets suitably locked or guide dogs for the blind or other disabled passengers.
Only the following are permitted in vehicles :
- guide dogs for the blind or assistance dogs accompanying people with a disability card / priority card or CMI (no muzzle allowed).
- small pets pets suitably locked
Muzzled dogs on a short lead are permitted in authorised vehicles.
In areas open to the public, video protection is implemented by the CTS, for the safety of people and of property (Articles L.223-1 to L.223-9, L.251-1 to L.255-1, L.613-13 and R.251-1 to R.253-4 of the French Internal Security Code).
Images are held for up to 30 days and, in the event of an incident, can be viewed by authorised CTS personnel and by law enforcement officials.
To exercise your data protection rights, in particular your right of access to images concerning you, or for any information on this system, you can contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) by writing to dpo@cts-strasbourg.fr.
To find out more about how your personal data is handled and about your rights, please refer to the “CTS Privacy Policy”, which can be found on cts-strasbourg.eu, in the Legal Information section.
It is also possible to make a complaint to the CNIL at cnil.fr/plaintes.
For your safety and for their own, sworn officers of the CTS may use personal mobile cameras.
Smoking and vaping are prohibited in the vehicles (Articles R. 2241-17 and R. 2241-22 of the Transport Code).
For help to quit smoking, call +33 (0) 25 30 93 10 (0.15€/min Smoking Info Service).
Nor are passengers permitted to board a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drink alcoholic beverages on board (article R.2241-15 of the Transport Code).
The use of any audio device or mobile phone is authorised only with headphones and on condition the volume does not disturb other passengers.
It is forbidden to bring voluminous objects and hazardous substances on buses and trams.
Passengers are not permitted to eat or drink on buses and trams, nor may they drop litter or put their feet on the seats.
For safety reasons, it is strictly prohibited to hang on to any external component of a tram.
On buses
- Unfolded e-scooters/push scooters and bicycles (folded or unfolded) are prohibited.
- Folded e-scooters/push scooters are allowed.
On trams
- Unfolded e-scooters/push scooters and bicycles are prohibited from Monday to Saturday from 7 am to 9 am and 5 pm to 7 pm. Depending on crowding, they are allowed outside these times, as well as on Sundays and public holidays.
- In case of a breakdown preventing the use of a bicycle, cyclists may board carriages regardless of the time and day, depending on crowding.
- Access on board is limited to no more than 2 bicycles or e-scooters/push scooters per carriage (except on Sundays and public holidays, subject to space availability) and is only permitted using the rearmost door of the carriage.
- Folded bicycles and e-scooters/push scooters are permitted at all times, providing they are no larger than a suitcase.
- During the journey, owners must take care of their bicycle or e-scooter/push scooter and ensure stability and safety. Owners shall be fully liable, within the limits of the law, for any harm or damage caused to other passengers, CTS property, or themselves.
On buses & trams
- Segways, tricycles, cargo bikes, bicycles with trailers, mini motorcycles, and electric motorcycles are all prohibited.
- Cycling, scooter riding, skateboarding, and roller skating are all prohibited.
Wheelchairs have priority reserved spaces.
Walkers and rollators are also allowed on buses and trams.